WATCH IT!: An intelligent system for the observance and monitoring of the recommended individualized medication

Poor treatment/ medication adherence constitutes one of the major challenges for the health care systems globally. Not only is it a cause of many deaths, but also it involves huge healthcare costs that could be avoided. Our application (WATCH IT!), which is co‐financed by the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the 2nd call of RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: Τ2EDK- 01435), aspires to automate personalized health-related processes of everyday life providing adaptive medication reminders along with prompts when human input is required, such as when a patient is deviating from their treatment.

WATCH IT! constitutes an innovative standalone wearable application which in contrast to any existing similar applications does not require a constant pairing with a smartphone to operate. Despite most wearable applications being developed mainly to enrich the use of their respective smartphone application (e.g. allowing people to receive their notifications more efficiently), WATCH IT! acts as an autonomous personal assistant aiming at enhancing the users’ quality of life by increasing his autonomy, safety and security. WATCH IT! targets principally the groups of people that most need to adhere to their health/ medical treatment, namely elderly people, and secondarily people who suffer from chronic conditions and follow long term and complex medications (e.g. heart/ lung diseases, diabetes, asthma, etc.) or those who are following strict nutritional plans or pharmaceutical plans (e.g. vitamins, etc.).